Friday, March 17, 2006


When stress and anxiety manifest from time to time in my life, I've found that I can alleviate the worst of the symptoms by embarking on some kind of distracting activity and indulging in it to excess. In my younger days, this used to take the form of imbibing substantial quantities of intoxicating liquors, but in the past ten years I have replaced this with less expensive pastimes, such as the compulsive playing of games on the PC. None of your whistles-and-bells high-tech stuff, you understand; no 'Grand Theft Auto: The Broch' stuff; my games of choice are the simple (some might say dull) things of life like Yahtzee, Freecell, and old DOS classics such as Commander Keen and Scorched Earth. Lately though, I've moved on to solitaire Scrabble. 'Cat' will play 'Weasel' over and over again throughout the evening, until I can even see the outline of wee tiles with my eyes shut.